Oct 24, 2023Liked by Zoe Gardiner (she/her)

Hi Zoe, Thank you for sharing your truth with us. I’m on my way through a journey to heal post-partum, and it strikes me how birth is not a single moment but multiple moments stretching over years (and the rest of our lives). I started to read the APPG transcript and found my eyes wouldn’t let me focus on the words just yet. It’s almost like I’ve heard it too many times. It’s like their ubiquity means the violence of what happens becomes hidden. Unable to always be grasped or conveyed. As I say I’m trying to figure things out. One day at a time. Your work and the work of the team is so important. Thank you, xxx

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Thank you for sharing ❤️ sending you so much love and solidarity

I couldn’t give too much attention to the APPG stuff either. Healing definitely is a process and not a one off thing and I’m personally so exhausted with it all, it’s been hard to engage. I’m so happy it’s getting such publicity but also perhaps a bit jaded to believe it will have much impact. At least in the foreseeable future...

One day at a time indeed ❤️ and to building small communities in person and online. We don’t have to be alone whilst they have the conversations and create the policies that might one day make a systemic change

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Zoe Gardiner (she/her)

Thank you for sharing your story and raising awareness to a very flawed system for women's medicine and postpartum! I was caught off guard with my first, like you, when I got to the post-birth activities and the weeks of recovery afterward. No one told me that it was worse than labor! I was terrified of the labor part for my first and, while it wasn't fun, the recovery was so so so much worse. I had an episiotomy because her head was giant (like your second!) and was stitched up. Going to the bathroom, showering, sitting, holding my baby...all of it was painful and bloody. Cooling spray and ice packs were all I was allowed to use. With my second, I wasn't even nervous about labor, but was terrified of postpartum recovery. I almost passed out going to the bathroom the first time post delivery because of blood loss, had to get a catheter, had stitches again from natural tearing. When I got home, I remember going to the bathroom and just bawling at having to do this for weeks. And NO ONE TELLS YOU ABOUT IT. Now whenever I know anyone pregnant worried about labor, I spell it out for them so they understand and can mentally prepare, since that's all they can do without medical support.

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Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️

You’re so right. And this is the biggest thing I think, that makes us feel so isolated because we’re going through these things all on our own, not knowing that everyone else is struggling and not being able to say anything incase we scare anyone. It’s so hard. I think if we knew what was coming and we had prepared for it, it would be so much easier. We would seek out help for problems faster and we’d feel more supported. It’s definitely about breaking down taboos and barriers by sharing our own experience ❤️

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YES!!! I understand the hesitancy in scaring someone, but not knowing the reality makes it almost traumatic when it happens to you. Like my struggle with PPD, I just had no awareness of the various ways it shows up or how to treat it. That's why I'm trying to start this newsletter to talk about the tough topics and make people feel seen and heard when they are going through difficult emotions alone.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Zoe Gardiner (she/her)

Oh, Zoe 😔 I’m four months into the postpartum period and can resonate with so much of what you’ve shared. While I have an upcoming gynaecology appointment, I’ve just this week arranged to see a women’s health physio. Thanks for sharing your experience. It means a lot to folk like me who are in the thick of their physical recovery 💛

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I’m both sorry you resonate and also happy you gained something from me sharing ❤️💔

I honestly felt so alone when I was going through this. I didn’t realise it was so common. I thought I had to pretend I was okay. And it was really isolating and that made the whole thing so much worse.

Seeing a pelvic health physio has been one of the best tings for me. Mine is actually a director for the Postpartum Matters CIC now 😆🥰 she runs Know Your Floors on Instagram too and is amazing. I hope yours is useful and can help you.

I’m also here if you ever need to chat specifics with someone who isn’t going to tell you it’s too much or too graphic or too hard to hear or whatever.

The waiting and the back and forth and the not knowing is so so hard and I see you ❤️

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Zoe Gardiner (she/her)

Thank you for sharing your story Zoe! ✨🙏

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